We’ve seen a fair few weddings and even with the best planning, sometimes things go a little awry. Here’s a list of items we think are super handy to have in your wedding day emergency kit. Better to have them and not need them than the other way round! We’re so into the idea of an wedding day emergency kit we made a reel too, check it out below;

Here’s a more complete wedding day emergency list – and we’ll link our Amazon list at the bottom to save you hunting on your own :D

1. Safety Pins
2. Plasters
3. Compeed Blister Plasters
4. Paracetamol/Ibruprofen
5. Immodium (we hope you won’t need this, but imagine if you did and din’t have any)
6. Dioralyte (Great for the next day too!)
7. Hayfever Tablets
8. Superglue (you never know!)broken kilt shoe on wedding day needing an wedding day emergency kitman laughing at his broken kilt shoe on wedding day9. Baby Wipes
10. Tide Stain Remover Pen
11. Smints
12. Oil Blotting Paper
13. Crochet Hooks
14. Eyelash Glue (This is good for fixing necklace chains to the back of your neck. Don’t forget to do a wee skin test if you are going to use this trick)
15. Sewing Kit (The following photographs all used my sewing kit that I bought from Amazon) person stitchesbroken bridesmaid dress on wedding morning using wedding day emergency kit Tattooed hands stitching broken bridesmaid dress on wedding morning using wedding day emergency kit16. Body Tape
17. Insta-Hem!
18. Thigh Rub/Chafe Stick (lifesaver!)19. Tissues
20. Confetti Cannons (Ok, Ok, not an emergency but FUN!)
Confetti cannons are not necessary for a wedding day emergency kit but they are funAnd here is our Amazon list link, enjoy!

Do you think we’ve missed anything of our wedding day emergency list? Get in touch and let us know!