Let’s cut to the chase. If you haven’t done it already, please back up your wedding photographs!

There, that’s it, that’s the whole blog. We’re going to tell you a few of our favourite places to do that, so keep reading! Whether you receive your final gallery as a download, or a physical copy on a USB please, please make sure to back up your wedding photographs. A good rule of thumb is 2 hard copies, 1 online at a minimum.

Think about it, you’ve spent a fair amount of money on a service so that you can have a tangible way to remember your wedding day, leaving it to chance in one place  isn’t going to cut it. We recently had a DM from a 2015 couple who admit themselves that they should have backed up their wedding photographs, never got round to it (because life, we fully get it haha!) and have realised they have lost their USB. A wedding that we photographed 9 years ago, and their only backup is us. Arghhh, squeaky bum time! Is this the first time this has happened? No, fraid not.

photo of family seeing bride in her dress for the first time for a blog about making sure to back up your wedding photographs

Here’s some of our favourite places to store photographs online;

Amazon Photos (free with Prime)
Google Photos

We’d also recommend an additional physical copy (or 2!). You can pick up a USB anywhere, our favourite is SanDisk. We’d recommend storing one of your hard copies elsewhere, a relatives house for example.

two brides kiss for a blog about making sure to back up your wedding photographs

Finally, get prints! Get albums! There is nothing like seeing your photographs in real life rather than on a screen. We have print bundles and offer outrageously beautiful albums too; check those out here.

Thanks for reading, but thank you in advance for saving us some grey hair and making sure to back up your wedding photographs ;D